Hungarian Film Takes Silver Bear in Berlin


The film, which is based on a series of murders of Roma in Hungary in 2008 and 

Bence Fliegauf
2009, also took two prizes from independent juries at the Berlinale: the Amnesty International Film Prize and the Peace Film Prize.
Accepting the Silver Bear at the awards gala on Saturday evening, Fliegauf acknowledged the social workers and experts he had met during the making of Just The Wind and said he hoped the film would highlight their work with the Roma.
The director said he hoped the Silver Bear would contribute to a better cooperation between television broadcasters and filmmakers who make films such as Just The Wind that present important social problems to viewers.
Fliegauf said his film was more appropriate for television, because it is the task of TV to present social problems. He added that none of the broadcasters he and his crew had approached had offered support.
He told journalists after the ceremony that the jury's acknowledgement made him "proud to be a Hungarian".
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI