Hungarian Film Week Kicks Off January 29


Programme director Ilona Kozma says there are 388 films on the programme. There are 103 films in competition, including 18 feature films, 33 documentaries, 3 creative documentary features, 36 experimental or short films and 13 science or informational films.
Though the Romanian actress Maia Morgenstern was to have chaired the feature jury, she has been replaced by Klaus Eder of the International Federation of Film Critics (FIPRESCI), Hungarian Film Union director Éva Vezér said. Other jury members are the US film critic Catherine Portuges, the cinematographer János Kende, the director Krisztina Boda and the film score writer István Márta.
The Golden Spindle and the Moziversum will be the festival's two top prizes, says festival council chairman Gábor Herendi.
For more information on the programme of films as well as on other special events, visit the programme website at
Feature Films in Competition for the 39th Hungarian Film Week:
Róbert Alföldi - Tranquillity / Nyugalom -- world premiere, first feature
Tamás Almási - Mario the Magician / Mário a varázsló -- world premiere
Gábor Dettre - The Class / Tabló -- world premiere
Anna Faur - Girls / Lányok -- world premiere, first feature
Benedek Fliegauf - Milky Way / Tejút
Attila Gigor - The Investigator / A nyomozó -- world premiere, first feature
Szabolcs Hajdu - Off Hollywood
Róbert Koltai - The Train Keeps a Rollin' / Megy a gőzös
Róbert Lakatos - Bahrtalo! Good Luck! / Bahrtalo! Jó szerencsét! -- world premiere, first feature
Kornél Mundruczó - Delta -- world premiere
Erik Novák - Nosedive / Zuhanórepülés -- first feature
Béla Paczolay - The Adventurers / Kalandorok -- world premiere, first feature
Elemér Ragályi - Without Mercy - In memory of P.D. / Nincs kegyelem - PD emlékére
György Szomjas - The Sun Street Boys / A Nap utcai fiúk
Attila Till - Panic / Pánik -- world premiere, first feature
Péter Tímár - Casting / Casting minden
Szabolcs Tolnai - The Hourglass / Fövenyóra
Ferenc Török - Overnight
Special Screenings:
Csaba Bereczky - Song of Lives / Életek éneke -- world premiere
Ferenc Moldoványi - Another Planet / Egy másik bolygó -- world premiere
Péter Forgács - Own Death / Saját halál -- world premiere