Hungarian filmmakers need not worry for industry's future, says govt spokeswoman


Anna Nagy
(MTI) - Earlier this week nine eminent Hungarian filmmakers issued a manifesto protesting against the government's planned changes, including a new structure of financing and the appointment of Hollywood film producer Andrew G Vajna to commissioner in charge of managing the whole industry.
The Hungarian state has earmarked 4.4 billion forints (EUR 16m) for filmmaking this year, the sector therefore has no reason for concern, Anna Nagy said.
She added that the operation of the Hungarian Motion Picture Public Foundation (MMKA), which has been in charge of film distribution, funding film production and organising film events, must be revised. The use of public monies to subsidise Hungarian films has been "chaotic" and MMKA has accumulated 7.4 billion forints (EUR 27.4m) in debts, she added.
Irregularities in operations, subsidy contracts concluded without budget guarantees, bank loans taken out on the basis of "virtual" subsidies, loans worth 5 billion forints (EUR 18m), as well as excessive salaries and benefits have characterised MMKA's activities, Nagy said.
Efforts to tidy up MMKA's finances are now being made exactly in the interest of the Hungarian film industry, Nagy added.