Hungarian Films Compete in Brussels


Bibliothéque Pascal

Szabolcs Hajdu?s Bibliothéque Pascal and György Pálfi?s I Am Not Your Friend will both compete for the main prize, which comes with an EUR 11,000 purse.

Bibliothéque Pascal?s producers Gábor Kovács and Ági Pataki will attend the screening of the film.
Hungarian films are also competing at festivals in Spain, Poland and Slovakia.

Father Land

Oszkár Nagy?s first film Father Land is competing at Cinema Jove in Valencia. On the jury for the festival is Hilda Péter, an actress from the Hungarian Theatre of Cluj, and Iván Nagy, a Hungarian actor.

The Days of Longing 

József Pacskovszky?s film The Days of Longing and Árpád Sopsits? The Seventh Circle are on the programme of the ArtFilm Fest in the Slovakian spa town of Trenčianske Teplice.


Another Planet

In the Polish city of Lagów, Péter Gárdos?s feature film Joke and Ferenc Moldoványi?s creative documentary Another Planet are competing. Áron Mátyássy?s film Last Times, Sopsits? Seventh Circle and Péter Szajki?s Intimate Shot in the Head are also on the programme.