Hungarian Films on Karlovy Vary Programme


Gabriella Hámori in The Test
The Test by Bergendy and Dear Betrayed Friends by Cserhalmi will be shown in the East of the West section which presents directors at the start of their careers.
Both films have been released in Hungary already but the festival will be their foreign premiere.
Szabó?s new drama The Door will be shown as part of a dedicated section. The film based on a novel of the same name by Magda Szabó features Helen Mirren in the lead. Mirren will receive a Crystal Globus life achievement award at the festival.
Fliegauf?s Just the Wind, which won the Silver Bear at this year?s Berlinale, will be shown in the Horizons section.
Almost 200 films are on the festival programme this year. The 47th Karlovy Vary International Film Festival will take place between June 29 and July 7.