Hungarian Films Receive Kudos in Sarajevo


Csaba Bollók's Iska's Journey received a special mention in the feature film category, Márton Szirmai's Tripe and Onion was acknowledged with a special jury mention in the short film category, and a new film project about an obese woman in her 30s by Ágnes Kocsis and Andrea Roberti was awarded a CineLink prize.

The remarkable UK actor Jeremy Irons, who headed the jury at the festival, praised the performance of the lead in Iska's Journey, the twelve-year-old Mária Varga.
"The performance of this twelve-year-old girl in the film serves as an example for all actors around the world," Irons said.
Iska's Journey shows the difficulties of life growing up on the streets. Bollók shot the film in the autumn of 2005 after researching the lives of homeless children living in a mining region in the Southern Carpathians for four years. The film won the top award at the 38th Hungarian Film Week in February.
Bollók brought the film to the festival together with producer Ágnes Csere and editor Judit Czakó.
Altogether seven Hungarian films were shown in competition at the festival, which drew such film luminaries as Fatih Akin, Juliette Binoche, Sam Garbarski, Michael Moore, Cristian Mungiu, Alexander Payne, Béla Tarr and Jasmila Zbani.