Hungarian Films Run Festival Circuit From Tampere to Tiburon


The 36th International Tampere Short Film Festival, in Tampere, Finland, will be held on 8-12 March. The festival is the longest-running short film competition in Northern Europe. Entries by Hungarian filmmakers include Bálint Kenyeres's "Before Dawn" and Dénes Nagy's "Éva Kovács". The 38 participants at the festival were selected from among 2,600 applications from 70 countries around the world.

The Sofia International Film Festival, running on 9-19 March, is also showing a work by a Hungarian filmmaker: Róbert Adrián Pejó's ?Dallas Pashamende?.

Three Hungarian films ? not shown for years after they were shot ? will be shown at a festival organised by the The Danish Film Institute: Péter Bacsó's ?Witness?, Gyula Gazdag's ?Castle Walk 74?, and Márta Mészáros's ?Journal for My Children?.

Kornél Mundruczó's ?Johanna? has been invited to the Viewpoints section of the Mar del Plata festival, in Argentina. The event, one of South America's biggest film festivals, featuring almost 300 films, takes place on 9-19 March. Within the "Film Sales Support" initiative launched by European Film Promotion, six European films will participate in the Argentina film festival, including Hungarian filmmaker Áron Gauder's animated feature ?District 8?.

Films by Hungarian directors Zsuzsa Böszörményi, Krisztina Deák, Péter Gárdos, Bálint Kenyeres, Róbert Koltai, and Elemér Ragályi will be shown at the 5th Annual Tiburon International Film Festival in California on 9-17 March.

The 24th Brussels International Festival of Fantastic Film on 10-25 March will feature Péter Gárdos's ?The Porcelain Doll? as well as Dési and Móray?s ?Doll 639?.
