Hungarian Films Show in London, Kansas


 Another Planet by Ferenc Moldoványi
Bence Miklauzic?s Children of the Green Dragon and Róbert Pejó?s The Cameramurderer are on the programme of the 19th Raindance Film Festival, which runs from September 28 until October 9.
?Children of the Green Dragon represents a lot of what is good about Hungarian cinema; a wonderful and touching film, exploring the themes of loneliness and friendship in today?s world,? according to the festival website.
?Aside from its compelling storyline, ?Children of the Green Dragon? boasts excellent casting and acting from all involved.?
The festival organisers call The Cameramurderer ?a toe-curlingly gripping thriller?. ?From the word ?go,? the audience is implicated in the action.?
The screenings are the British premieres for both films.
Another Planet is one of just ten features and documentaries in competition at the Kansas International Film Festival, which runs from September 30 to October 6.
The film, ?shot on four continents, presents the hidden face of our planet and the general and moral crisis of our world,? the festival organisers say.
?We can follow the various, irrational stages of defencelessness as the characters in all seven stories, all minors, accept their fate with quasi humility.?
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)