Hungarian Films Take Prizes in Houston



Gyula Nemes's Lost World (Letűnt világ) earned a Platinum Remi Award, Attila Till's directorial debut, Panic (Pánik) took a Golden Remi Award, and Tamás Almási's Mario and the Magician (Márió és a varázsló) won a Silver Remi Award. There were some 60 films in competition at the festival.


Two Hungarian feature films and two shorts will be shown on the programme of the Syracuse Film Festival in the American state of New York, which kicked off Friday and will run until May 3. The features are Tableau (Tabló), by Gábor Dettre, and Panic, by Attila Till. The shorts include 411-Z, by Dániel Erdélyi, and Patience (Türelem), by László Nemes Jeles.