Hungarian Folk Art Shows in Brussels


Folk artists demonstrated their crafts at the opening of the show. Among them was the zither maker László Szakál, who ha been practising his craft for some fifty years.

Works by potter Sándor Ambrus from Hódmezővásárhely, basket weaver Mrs Imre Kocsor, weaver and textile designer János Debreczeni from Mezőberény, knife maker József Tarjányi, enamel artist Hilda Tóth Szabó and embroiderers Andrienne Chappon and Mrs István Juhász are part of the show.
Embroidery from Hódmezővásárhely is among the oldest types of needlework in Hungary. The Hódfó Embroidery Workshop, which represents the craft, was established in 1995 and its products have won prizes at many exhibitions of folk art since.
The folk art will move to the permanent representative office of Baden-Württemberg in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesday. There they will be offered for sale at the Danube Fair.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: