Hungarian folk singer receives UNESCO Artist for Peace award


(MTI) - Handing over the honour, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova praised Sebestyen as one of the greatest interpreters of Hungarian folk music who "tirelessly shares the miracle of folk music with the world".
    She also expressed appreciation of Sebestyen's merits in promoting inter-cultural dialogue and peace.
    Sebestyen, who is the first Hungarian to receive the award, quoted Bela Bartok, who wrote in 1931 that Hungarian culture can be enriched by embracing the influence of Romanian, Slovak and Arab folk music, as well as far-away and nearby cultures.
    "From now on UNESCO expects me to serve with all my thoughts and actions the common cause, which coincides with my conviction, that music and culture in general are stronger than politics," she said
    The Artist for Peace title has so far been received by such renowned artists as singer Celine Dion, actress Marisa Berenson, singer-actress Shirley Bassey and saxophonist Manu Dibango.