Hungarian-French Duo Brings Moscow Audience to Feet



The two musicians played a mix of classical, popular and folk pieces, including works by Bach and Rachmaninoff as well as improvisations on Hungarian folk songs. They played three encores for the audience of about 1,200, including a special improvisation entitled My Love, Budapest.

The concert, called From Baroque to Jazz, was presented by Dmitry Uhov, one of Russia's most popular jazz and contemporary music critics, and broadcast live on Kultura Radio. Uhov noted that Fassang and L? Quang performed a perfect mix of classical music, folk music and improvisation - a novelty to Russian audiences.
The concert was organised with the cooperation of Moscow's Hungarian Cultural Centre and the French Institute as part of the Hungarian Cultural Centre's ongoing Contemporary Art Summit, which pairs Hungarian artists with foreign performers. The Moscow Philharmonic lent the concert hall.
Fassang and L? Quang played again at Moscow's Hungarian Cultural Centre on March 1 and in the city of Tver, on the Volga River, on March 2.