Hungarian Institute in Stuttgart Celebrates 20 Years


Stuttgart mayor Wolfgang Schuster and state secretary at the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture Károly Manherz will speak at the event. The Hungarian jazz guitarist Ferenc Snétberger will perform.

The Hungarian Institute in Stuttgart has held about 1,200 cultural events in the past 20 years, said institute director Tibor Keresztury. The institute has drummed up interest in Hungary among Germans, who now account for about 70pc of visitors, he added.
Among the highlights of the institute's programme in recent years was a joint effort with the city of Fellbach, near Stuttgart, to show events planned in Pécs in 2010, when the Hungarian city is a European Capital of Culture, Keresztury said. Fellbach is one of more than 140 communities in the German federal state of Baden-Württemberg which has a sister city in Hungary, he added.
The institute is actively involved with the matters of Hungarian schools in Germany, and it is promoting the introduction of Hungarian as a foreign language in German schools.
Stuttgart and its surroundings was the centre in Germany for Danube Swabians expelled from Hungary after WWII, and the area became a home to many refugees who fled during and after the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.