Hungarian, Irish Film Foundations Sign Cooperation Agreements


The agreement with the Irish Film Foundation was signed on Sunday at the Collegium Hungaricum in Berlin, during the Berlinale, said Hungarian Motion Picture Foundation (MMK) chief secretary Erzsébet Tóth. MMK is working with foundations in Germany and France on establishing cooperation agreements too, she added.

The three-year agreement with the Irish Film Foundation does not contain an absolute amount of financial support but outlines rules for mutual cooperation.
"In one year, we support a mainly Irish co-production, then they join in the financing of a mainly Hungarian co-production," said Tóth. "If a third party joins in the Hungarian-Irish co-production, the party's share may not exceed 30 percent," she added.
The cooperation agreement, which comes into force on March 1, is the brainchild of the Hungarian director Attila Gigor, whose latest film, The Investigator, was financed in part with Irish money.
The latest projects of the Hungarian directors Judit Elek and János Szász also involve Irish financing, Tóth said.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)