Hungarian, Italian Painters Show in Rome


Pál Gerber: Honest Persistence

The show, dubbed Encounter 2, presents contemporary artists, but not just the youngest ones, said curator Lóránd Hegyi, who is also the director of the Museum of Modern Art in Saint-Etienne.

Pál Gerber's paintings reflect a strange and elegiac realism, reminiscent of the world created by the director Béla Tarr. Katalin Káli injects poetry into everyday objects and motifs. Emese Balikó's paintings explore psychology and the search for self. Donát Csáky's work reveals the hidden layers of landscapes, and Katalin Szil shows a fragile and delicate world in a simple style.

Liliana Moro: Underdog

Among the Italians showing is Liliana Moro, whose installation involves dogs and barking. Dacia Manto shows romantic urban landscape paintings, alongside photographs and drawings. Tessa Manon Den Uyl, a Dutch artist who lives in Italy, creates poetic, imaginary worlds, but with references to traditional styles. Ugo Giletta's provocative, realistic images are inspired by Egon Schiele. The thirty-year-old Mauro Di Silvestre is the youngest member of the Ultima scool.

Encounter 1, which the Hungarian Academy in Rome hosted last year, paired artists from Central Europe with ones from Korea.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)