Hungarian National Digital Archives Launches Jászai Project


 Lajos Lovas
MaNDA is digitalising three exhibitions in Ászár, where Jászai was born, and in the Hungarian city of Tatbánya as well as the Slovakian city of Komárno, just across the border with Hungary.
Hungarian State Secretary for Culture Géza Szőcs said at the launch in Komárno that the meeting of digital technology, art and artists was an important event in the life of a nation. Mari Jászai, as well as other famous actresses such as Déryné and Lujza Blaha were great figures of their age, he added.
Deputy Mayor of Komárno Tamás Novák and MaNDA chief director Lajos Lovas were also present at the launch of the project.
The exhibition can be seen online at
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)