Hungarian New Avant-Garde Artists Show in Zagreb


Miklós Erdély's work

The exhibition, called Art Always Has Its Consequences, is the result of a two-year collaboration between Hungary?s tranzit. hu, Muzeum Sztuki in Poland, New Media in Serbia and What, How and for Whom/WHW in Croatia, said the show?s Hungarian curator Dóra Hegyi. It features works by several Hungarian artists, among them Miklós Erdély and Dóra Maurer?s Exercises from 1977 and Gyula Pauer?s sculpture Protest Poster Forest.

The exhibition ?considers the ?politics of exhibiting? and, by including historic works and new productions, archive material and research documentation, reconstructing and reinterpreting paradigmatic artistic and exhibition positions from the 1950s until today, shows the historical continuity of similar art experiments which question the social role of art,? the organisers say.
?The exhibition confronts contemporary approaches with the strategies used in the past, inviting the reading of the presented works in relation to the questions of the role and responsibility of art institutions, the way in which they are positioned towards the economic and ideological circumstances and the way in which they contribute to the forming of cultural influences and hegemonisation of certain norms.?
The exhibition can be seen in the former building of the Museum of Contemporary Art until June 2.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)