Hungarian Newsreels Archive Nominated for FOCAL Award


Filmhíradók Online was nominated for the Award for Best Use of Footage on Non-television Platforms.

The Filmhíradók Online offers access to more than 5,000 news blocks from archived Hungarian newsreels of the '30s and early '40s processed in a refined manner The reason behind creating Filmhíradók Online was to help the everyday user to search and view these documents with ease, because earlier this valuable motion picture heritage was very rarely visited. Browsing the records of the past not only allows for a better understanding of the history; viewing these documents from a historical perspective gives today's audience the opportunity to assess these newsreels of the contemporary media with hindsight, FOCAL said on its website.
This page not only addresses the audience concerned in a personal way or interested in the events of the past and the lifestyle of that era, but it also tries to raise the attention of the cultural, educational and economic institutions that there is a possibility for the functional use of these documents, FOCAL said.
FOCAL is a not-for-profit professional trade association providing networking and marketing opportunities for content industry professionals and giving users easy access to over 300 members worldwide. The FOCAL International Awards which are designed to promote the use of archive images in the creative media are held each year. This year's award ceremony will take place in London on April 27.
Earlier, Filmhíradók Online received a special mention in the Website of the Year competition.
Source: / Photo: Dániel Kováts