Hungarian Organist Celebrates Birthday With Notre Dame Concert


On the programme were Fassang?s transcriptions of Bach?s Chaconne in D-minor from the 2nd Violin Partita BWV 1004, a Christmas composition by former Notre Dame organist Louis-Claude Daquin, and other works by Brahms, Alain and Liszt. Fassang ended the concert with improvisations on Hungarian folk tunes.

Fassang started playing organ at aged 13. Ten years later he visited Notre Dame for the first time. There he heard Olivier Latry play the cathedral?s famous organ. Fassang was so impressed by Latry?s performance that he became determined to be his student. Latry accepted him and after finishing the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest, Fassang continued his studies at Paris?s Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique from 1998 until 2003. During his years in Paris, he had the opportunity to play the Notre Dame organ several times.

Latry was in attendance at Tuesday?s concert, as were Fassang?s other teacher Philippe Lefebvre and the world-renowned organist Jean-Pierre Leguay.

Fassang will perform a concert with the Danubia Symphony Orchestra at Budapest?s Palace of Arts on Saturday. By Fassang?s own account, the Palace of Arts? organ is one of the best concert hall organs in the world.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)