Hungarian Play on Wiesbaden Biennale Programme


The Béla Pintér Company will bring their 2010 production of Muck to the biennale.
New Plays From Europe is the largest international festival dedicated exclusively to productions of contemporary plays in their original languages.
?With Muck, Béla Pintér has created a wonderfully cunning and manipulative character. Muck is an adolescent orphaned girl, brimming with boldness and sex appeal. A childless couple adopts her. The girl brings along her best friend, a Romany girl. In the Hungarian provinces, the two of them turn the life of the eco-friendly village upside down. The open and socially active people in the villagers start to seethe with disapproval, prejudice and racism,? the biennale organisers say of the piece.
They call the play ?an intelligent commentary on the current political situation in Hungary?.  
Photo: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)