Hungarian Play on Vienna Festival Programme


Disgrace tells the story of a man who starts an affair with a young female student of his, then starts out on an unusual life path and ?reduces to nil? his previous existence, Mundruczó said. The protagonist finds freedom ?when he reaches the bottom of his own life path,? he added.
The production forces audiences to consider the ?fallout from colonialism and assumed cultural supremacy?, according to the Vienna Festival organisers.
Mundruczó said the basic question in the South African Nobel laureate writer?s novel also applies in Hungary. He added that Disgrace was one of the most faithful adaptations he had made.
?Is the colour of skin the only determining factor in our lives? Should we stay in the country we live in or should we leave? Are our white intellectual answers the only true answers to certain problems??
 ?Contemporary Europe is altogether presented through the white man?s colonising gestures, which is an interesting problem,? he added.
The performance was prepared with the participation of the Vienna Festival, the Festival d?Avignon in France, the KunstenFestivalDesArts in Brussels, the Trafó House of Contemporary Arts in Budapest and Romaeuropa 2012 in Italy. It has been performed in seven cities so far.
?It is a very good feeling that someone guarantees our livelihood and freedom. Without this, the team would not be able to operate and to exist,? Mundruczó said.
Disgrace will be shown from Thursday to Sunday at the Vienna festival. The play features Sándor Zsótér in the main role, alongside Annamária Láng, Lili Monmori, Gergely Bánki and László Katona.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI