Hungarian Playwrights Post Work On Web


The site, which is called ?playwrights? in Hungarian, is an entirely voluntary initiative of the Playwright?s Roundtable, a professional organisation set up in 2004 by 29 of Hungary?s best playwrights. Since its formation, the roundtable has endeavoured to expose contemporary Hungarian theatre to a broader audience. To achieve this goal, they have started Hungary?s first festival for contemporary plays, called the Roundtable for Playwrights and Theatres, or DESZKA for short.

The first DESZKA, held in Sopron in 2005, served mainly as an experiment to assess interest in the event and gauge its long-term potential. This year?s DESZKA, held in Eger on April 19 ? 20, was more focussed, concentrating on specific issues pertinent to the state of Hungarian theatre. Next year?s DESZKA will be held in Debrecen.

The members of the Playwrights? Round Table are:

1. Géza Bereményi
2. Pál Békés
3. Ferenc Deák (V)
4. Zoltán Egressy
5. István Eörsi
6. Péter Fábri
7. András Forgách
8. László Garaczi
9. János Gosztonyi
10. Gábor Görgey
11. János Háy
12. Péter Horváth
13. Miklós Hubay
14. Péter Kárpáti
15. Csaba Kiss
16. Mihály Kornis
17. Péter Müller
18. András Nagy
19. Ákos Németh
20. Zsolt Pozsgai
21. Sándor Sultz
22 Magda. Szabó
23. Károly Szakonyi
24. Andor Szilágyi
25. István Tasnádi
26. Katalin Thuróczy
27. Zoltán Toepler
28. András Visky
29. Tibor Zalán
