Hungarian, Polish Presidents Open Exhibition


The exhibition, entitled For Our Freedom and For Yours, was opened as part of Hungary's Polish Week programme, from March 25 to 30.

President Lech Kaczynski said Hungary's revolution, one of many started in the realm of the Habsburgs in the spring of 1848, would have been successful had it not been for the power of the Russian czar.

The revolution ended after the Hungarian general Artúr Görgey capitulated to the Russians, who handed the army over to the Austrians.
Kaczynski said the revolution started a process which ultimately established the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The revolution also left a lasting impression on Polish literature, he added.
President László Sólyom paid his respects to the Polish participants in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 in a speech at the opening of the exhibition. He said the 160th anniversary of the revolution as well as the show of friendship between Hungary and Poland was a cause for celebration.
Sólyom said the Polish soldier's efforts were not forgotten, noting that a statue in Budapest of the Polish general Józef Bem, a key figure in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, became a rallying point for freedom fighters in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Following the opening remarks by the Hungarian and Polish presidents, War History Museum director József Holló guided the two men through the exhibition, which shows maps, uniforms and other objects highlighting Polish soldiers' contribution to the Hungarian Revolution of 1848.
For Our Freedom and For Yours is open until November 18, 2008.
Source: Múlt-kor / Hungarian News Agency (MTI)