Hungarian Political Party in Romania Establishes Cultural Council


Hunor Kelemen
The Cultural Autonomy Council held its inaugural meeting in the Art Museum in Cluj's Banffy Palace.
After the meeting, DAHR chairman Hunor Kelemen said the council would take over the earlier role of the Alliance Reconciliation Council within the DAHR structure. He noted the necessity of an institutionalised forum in which civil organisations can carry on a dialogue about teaching, cultural and scientific issues.
"We want to prepare for the scope of influence of cultural autonomy to be ensured by the minorities law, which we have worked for years to shape in parliament, and for which we are seeking political support," he said. He added that the law would require consultation with the council before local governments or the central government take any decision affecting Hungarian cultural or educational institutions.
Asked whether Hungarian cultural life in Transylvania could be presented as a whole in a body that is part of a political organisation, Kelemen said participants at the council meetings would "not be asked for their party cards". He added that several people who come from outside of DAHR's inner circle participated at the inaugural meeting of the council.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)