Hungarian Production Favoured Contender for Top Award in Belgrade


The József Katona Theatre performed the piece, which is based on Kafka's The Trial, on Sunday and Monday, early in the festival, which started on September 15 and runs until the end of the month. Still, the troupe is confident of their chances at winning the main prize.

Photo: Imre Varga. Source:

The audience gave a standing ovation to the troupe following the performance, which lasted three hours, including breaks. They praised director Viktor Bodó, who was unable to attend the performance, as well as stage designer Levente Bagossy for the extraordinary set.

A reviewer for Vecernje Novosti, Belgrade's biggest daily, hailed the improvisational style of the actors which makes each performance of the piece a premiere. The reviewer also noted that it was regrettable the performance had not been attended by more local actors.
The József Katona Theatre has won the main award at the festival twice before, once for a performance of Gogol's The Inspector General and again for a production Chekhov's Three Sisters. Another Hungarian troupe, the Krétakör, won the festival's top award last year for a performance of Chekhov's The Seagull.
In addition to Hungary and Serbia, the host country, troupes from Finland, Croatia, Israel, Germany, Italy, Russia and Slovenia are performing at the festival.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)