Hungarian Production Impresses at Bobigny


The production will be performed at the cultural centre four times until February 12.
Bobigny director Patrick Sommier recently saw the production in the Tündergyár, a courtyard pub next to Budapest?s Trafó House of Contemporary Arts, on a recent trip to Budapest. The director had worked for years with the capital?s legendary Krétakör theatre company and was curious to see what former member Zsolt Nagy was up to since the troupe disbanded.
Sommier said after the piece?s premiere at the festival that The Acts of the Pit Bull was ?unbelievably deep?, in contracts to the ?often superficial? French productions. He said Nagy, in the lead role, was a ?powerful? and ?disturbing? actor, but also singled out the actress Angéla Stefanovics, calling her performance ?unbelievable?.
Sommier ?welcomed home? Nagy, who returned to the festival after a three-year hiatus.
Nagy acknowledged the greeting and said coming to Paris to return really was like returning home. But he added that he had so much going in Hungary at the moment that he had little time to spare.
The script was written by Péter Kárpáti, but the performance was jointly directed by the author, the actors and the dramaturge Bori Sebők.
The piece is about the arrival of a prophet in the Hungarian capital, Füge says on its website.
?The furious prophet of the ancient legends, after thousands of years of roaming, has arrived in Budapest this morning. He got off the international train , came out of the Keleti and threw himself into the city, like a pit bull into the playground, and tonight we are going to see him?? Füge says.
The Bobigny MC93 has organised Le Standard Idéal, an international theatre festival, since the 1990s. The Krétakör has been a guest several times.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI