Hungarian Publishers Prepare for Frankfurt


About a hundred publishers will show their books at the stand. Among the volumes on display will be literature, children?s books, fine art albums, reference books and cookbooks.

In addition to classic Hungarian authors, the stand will feature work by the new generation of writers such as János Lackfi, György Dragomán, Osolya Karafáth, Mátyás Dunajcsik, Zoltán Kőrösi and Pál Závada.
On Wednesday, evening well-wishers will toast the Hungarian writer György Dalos, who won the main prize at this year?s Leipzig Book Fair, Zentai said.
Also on Wednesday, a talk on ?world literature? from Central and Eastern Europe will take place. Writers from Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia will participate together with publishing industry insiders from the region as well as Germany. Representing Hungary at the talk will be the writer Mátyás Dunajcsik and Bence Sárközy from publishers Magvető Kiadó.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI / EPA