Hungarian, Slovakian Cities Plan Cultural Cooperation


Eger Cathedral
Eger, which earlier prepared an application for the title European Capital of Culture 2010 (in the end won by the city of Pécs in southeast Hungary), will draw on its experience to help Kassa with its application for the title in 2013, said Eger mayor László Habis.
Koice mayor Frantisek Knapik said the two cities' cultural cooperation would start by involving Eger in events to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the birth of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, after whom Koice's cathedral is named.
The cities will also jointly organise an exhibition of photographs of the most beautiful altars in Europe, Knapik said. The exhibition will travel to Eger and the Hungarian cities of Miskolc and Sárospatak before coming to Koice.
Eger and Koice also plan to work together with cities in Poland to apply for regional funding from the European Union.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)