Hungarian, Slovakian Artists Show in The Hague


János Dréher's work 

The one hundred works by 12 Hungarian and 12 Slovak artists represent a variety of subjects, styles and techniques.

The exhibition does not aim to give a comprehensive overview of trends in Hungary and Slovakia, rather it offers a taste of contemporary art on both sides of the Danube and shows an exciting dialogue between two countries' art worlds.
The featured artists are Robert Almási, Martin Augustín, Károly Borbély, Albín Brunovsky, Attila Csáji, János Dréher, Karol Felix, Robert Jancovic, Benjámin Kelemen, Peter Klúcik, Marián Komácek, Mikulás Lovacky, Berta Mayer, Júlia Novodomcová, Gábor Ölvecki, Alojz Petrás, Dusan Polakovic, Milos Prekop, Peter Stankovic, Martin Sevcovic, Károly Szalkai, József Szurcsik, Imre Tolnay and András Végh.
The exhibition will be officially opened on Wednesday. The opening will be attended by head of the Hungarian parliament's European Integration Committee Mátyás Eörsi as well as Deputy Prime Minister of Slovakia Dusan Caplovic.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)