Hungarian Spot Wins Prize at CinéRAIL


The Combino Photo: MTI

The 52-second short, called The Longest Tram in the World, won the award for best advertisement at the festival, which provides a showcase for "short and feature films celebrating trains and metros, stations and tracks, railway workers and passengers," according to the festival's website. It beat 25 other nominations in the category, and it is the first Hungarian film to win an award at the festival.

The short was directed by Zoltán Gergely for Well Advertising. Because the BKV declined to suspend the trams' operation during the shooting, Gergely shot on a tight schedule, completing filming in just three and a half hours in the evening.
Gergely, who started work as a copywriter, hopes the spot will help him gain recognition in the film industry. Gergely already won an award at last year's Hungarian Film Week for his 15-minute short Szupermosás (Superwash).
The Longest Tram in the World can be downloaded at:  
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)