Hungarian Students to Play Jeudi's at Pompidou


Yaacov Agam's interior design from 1972-1974 for President Pompidou's residence at the Elysée Palace, on the museum's fourth floor 

The musicians will perform as part of the centre's Jeudi's (Thursdays) series on March 13. Liszt Music Academy department heads Károly Binder and Pál Richter, together with music instructor Mihály Borbély, have put together a programme of music to be played in front of works by Picasso, Vasarely and Beuys

Jeudi's was launched four years ago by teaching staff at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art on the fourth and fifth floors of the Centre Pompidou. The aim of the programme was to promote important works of contemporary art to students of French and international performing arts academies. Jeudi's now attracts an audience of about 1,200 per event.

Installation by Joseph Beuys at the Musée national d'art moderne

Students participating in the production are János Ávéd, Miklós Borbély, Zsolt Csókás, Márton Eged, Zsolt Feke, Márton Fenyvesi, Ádám Földesi, Mária Majda Guessous, Klára Hajdú, Veronika Harcsa, Marci Kovács, Dezső Oláh, Péter Pintér, Gábor Subicz, András Szabó, Gergő Szabó Csobán, Marietta Szűcs, Éva Takács, Luca Tóth, Bendegúz Varga and Ferenc Zimber.

The concert is sponsored by Hungary's Ministry of Education and Culture and the Hungarian Institute of Paris.
Author: Kornél Zipernovszky