Hungarian Takes Top Prize at JCE Biennale


Excerpt from Tamás Dezső's series
Dezső won the prize for his series of photographs entitled ?Anywhere?.
A Hungarian artist also took the top prize at the JCE Biennale in 2009.
Montrouge mayor Jean-Loup Metton, who launched the biennale, said the fact the main prize had been won by Hungarians twice in a row was in large part due to the excellent selection of Hungarian work submitted.
Dezső?s series of photographs was among work by eight artists at the biennale selected from a show of 35 young artists in the Hungarian city of Pécs organised by the independent curator Sári Stenczer.
Although the Hungarian artists work with different media, the pieces they produce all deal with the questions and problems of Hungarian society.
Dezső?s series captures images of ordinary places, such as streets, housing estates and open lots, and the people who live there, showing a Central European existence that has remained unchanged for two decades.
Dezső?s work has been published by such internationally renowned periodicals as TIME, The New York Times, National Geographic, GEO, Le Monde Magazine, Ojo de Pez and Polka Magazine.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)