Hungarian Theatre Holds Workshop in Rosia Montana


The troupe plans to learn from the residents of the Romanian village and use their experiences as the source for a performance.

About half of the village?s residents have left in the past years, accepting an offer to take up residence in new homes in nearby Alba Iulia by a company that plans to turn Rosia Montana into one of Europe?s biggest gold mines.

?The first week is going to be spent on research which we are going to use as a source during the sec­ond week to create a performance,? the theatre says. ?With our presence we will ?inhabit? the village. By organizing community activities for the villagers such as a big dinner and a film projection, we will create opportunities to get to know each other more with the villagers.?
?We...are interested in the people who live there, in their dreams, their fears and their everyday life. How do they handle this uncertainty that has been going on for years? What makes them stay in the vil­lage even though the Canadian company offers them an apartment in the town of [Alba Iulia]? How do they imagine their future? What would the meeting be like between the inhabitants of a Romanian village and a group of international artists?? theatre says.
? Another purpose is to present the actuality in an artistic language and through this process emphasize the role of theater in the society,? it adds.