Hungarian Theatre in Cluj-Napoca to Show "Cries and Whispers"


 Cries and Whispers
Cries and Whispers
, which was nominated for an Academy Award, is about a woman on her deathbed and the three women who attend to her. In the adaptation, Bergman, too, becomes a character on the stage.
The four women are played by Anikó Pethő, Emőke Kató, Imola Kézdi and Csilla Varga. Zsolt Bogdán is cast as Bergman.
The performance is directed by Andrei Serban whose 2007 staging of Uncle Vanya received the UNITER award for the year's best performance.
Cries and Whispers will be presented in the theatre's new studio, which seats 75 people. Dress rehearsals will be open to the public on January 20-23 and the piece will premiere on January 24.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)