Hungarian Wins Henkel Art Award


Twenty-two-year-old Rajmund Domán, the winner of this year's Henkel Art.Award, shown with his kotyoGO coffee maker. He received the prize for best industrial design by an international jury in Vienna on October 30.

Henkel, which makes such well-known household brands as Persil, organised the competition for the sixth year in a row. This year, Henkel invited submissions of industrial designs.


Rajmund Domán, who studies at the Moholy-Nagy Art Academy in Miskolc, in Eastern Hungary, won the prize with his design for a pocket-size espresso maker. Domán's espresso maker - an idea inspired by another contest organised by Szarvas Steel and Metal Company, Hungary's most famous maker of espresso makers - is just 10 centimetres high, and the top part, into which the coffee percolates, can be screwed off and used as a cup.

Domán was awarded a EUR 7,000 prize at a ceremony in Vienna's Wagner Werk-Museum on Tuesdsay. His kotyoGO will also go on display at Vienna's ArtPoint Gallery from mid-November.
Other finalists from Hungary for this year's Henkel Art Award were Erdélyi Tamás, for his paper knife; Emil Szilárd Hajnal, for her digital sand clock; Katalin Holányi, for her espresso maker; and Kálmán Nyilas, for his mobile wind generator.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)