Hungarians on Festival Programme in Poznan


The Hungarian director Kornél Mundruczó is bringing Disgrace, based on the novel of the same name by Nobel Prize-winner J.M. Coetze, to the festival.
Disgrace tells the story of a man who starts an affair with a young female student of his, then starts out on an unusual life path and ?reduces to nil? his previous existence, Mundruczó said earlier. The protagonist finds freedom ?when he reaches the bottom of his own life path,? he added.
Mundruczó will be presented an honourary degree by the city?s university at the festival.
The Budapest-based choreographer Márta Ladjánszki will perform a piece called Josha in Poznan.
The Roma band Parno Graszt, who come from the village culture of northeast Hungary, are on the festival?s musical programme.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI