Budapest's Bárka Theatre will perform the Frankenstein Plan at the festival, which will run from September 26 until October 1.
The host country's productions in Nitra include the Slovak National Theatre's rendering of Georg Büchner's Leonce and Lena, and the Andrei Baggar Theatre's piece Everything for the Nation. The recently formed ElleDanse Alternative Theatre will show Canto Hondo, about a woman who revisits the house of her birth.
The Dutch director Alize Zandwijk will bring Bertolt Brecht's Baal to the stage, though with a woman (Fania Sorel) in the lead.
From Russian will come a play directed by Victor Rizhakov and with the beautiful Polina Agureyava in the lead about a serial killer.
A play called Flying Attempts by the Italian Alessandro Panzavolta combines elements of theatre, performance art and fine art.