Hungarians Picked for Design Lab Finals


Apor Püspöki and Attila Sáfrány

Among the more than 600 entries from 49 countries, the jury picked Apor Püspöki's E-bag and Attila Sáfrány's Stratosphere.

The E-bag is a handbag with a cooling system powered as its holder walks.
"I wanted to make a point about the way urban life goes with increased energy
consumption," says Püspöki, a product design student at the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts (MOME).
The Stratosphere is like a valet that sucks germs and micropollutants - such as the chemicals in body odor and cigarette smoke - out of clothes.
"Members of the Internet Generation don't throw their favorite sweater or trousers into
the laundry if they're not dirty yet," says Sáfráni, who is also a student at MOME. "They tend to hang them over the back of a chair to wear again. They don't put the effort into folding them up and putting them away."
A jury will pick three winners from the finalists on October 9. The top prize is a purse of EUR 5,000 and a six-month internship at an Electrolux global design centre.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Electrolux