Hungarians Take Top Prizes at Bartók Contest


Viktória Szabó Kiss, an MA student at the Liszt Music Academy in Budapest won first prize in the 21-28 age group. Her performance was so remarkable that second and third prizes were not awarded.
Dávid Bekker, an undergraduate student of Jenő Jandó and Imre Hargitai at the academy, won first place in the 19-21 age group.
Both young pianists will perform at the Bartók Memorial House on Tuesday.
The competition for pianists between 7 and 28 years of age was organised by the Béla Bartók Internationaler Musikverein and Vienna's Collegium Hungaricum.
The Béla Bartók Internationaler Musikverein was established in 2006 to promote Bartók?s work through concerts, piano competitions, documentary screenings, symposiums and workshops.