Hungarians Win Press Freedom Award


Eszter Cseke and András S. Takács won the prize for best video journalism for a piece on the lives of journalist under the dictatorship in Burma.
The award was open to all young journalists under the age of 30 from 47 member states of the Council of Europe. Entries were judged according to three criteria: Understanding of the topic, originality and technical quality of the entry.
The piece, which the journalists made incognito, is part of the On The Spot series shown on Hungary?s Spektrum TV.
In a description of the series, Spektrum TV says Cseke and Takács go to the ?most dangerous and interesting spots on our planet?, such as the Gaza Strip, the Arctic Circle and Ethiopia.
?Without crew, with only two handy cameras they produce an hour-long program on each country with exotic locations and exclusive interviews. From the smuggling tunnels under Egypt to secret Taliban fire positions on the Pakistani border, they travel to those places where news happen, and meet people who make them from UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon to World classic runner Haile Gebreselassie. These two talented, enthusiastic and brave young film makers bring a unique style into European broadcasting and try to dig deeper into human stories behind the news then tv-crews usually could in the past. In Bolivia they smuggled themselves into a prison, then to the President's Palace, in Afghanistan they were embedded with troops in the front line, in Ethiopia they recorded a female circumcision. The famous photographer, Robert Capa said: if your pictures are not good enough, go closer. These two digital journalists actually do.?