Hungary boasts bigger presence at Leipzig Book Fair


Hungary?s stand at the fair was 60 square metres, its largest ever, and it presented more programmes than in any of the previous years it has come to the fair. The stand offered visitors information on a broad range of topics, including Hungary?s book market, its literary life and programmes which support literature in translation. Hungary?s programmes for the 2006 fair included events featuring authors Péter Esterházy, Attila Bartis, László Darvasi, Tamás Jónás, Zoltán Sebők, Ferenc Tolvaly, György Dalos and Imre Török. Some of the events were staged at the Leipzig convention centre, and others in the historical town centre.

In addition to its own stand, Hungary was represented at a forum called ?Small Languages ? Large Literatures? at the fair?s ?Café Europa? by Attila Bartis, who participated in another literature workshop in Berlin on March 20.

The annual Leipzig Book Fair is the second largest international fair of its kind in Germany after the Frankfurt Book Fair. It is promoted as a ?readers? fair? and it puts great emphasis on literary events, in addition to providing a showplace for publishers.

The Leipzig Book Fair ended on Sunday evening with a record result: 126,000 visitors came to the fair during its four-day run, a 17 percent increase from the previous year.