Hungary Cooperates on ETNOFOLK Project


?The aim is to show the cultural heritage of Central European folk traditions and support their preservation,? said Fruzsina Cseh of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences? Institute of Ethnology. ?We?ve found interest in folk culture and its transformation today not only among experts but among the general public too,? she added.
The outcome of the project will be an extensive web portal that samples all aspects of folk culture, such as architecture, costumes, music, songs, customs and devotions, with visual, audio and video media.
?The general objective of the project is creation of innovative tools for sustainable use and preservation of existing folk cultural heritage resources gathered by partnering institutions, promotion of this treasury and improvement of the conditions for their broad public use and supporting the potential investments,? the project organiers say on their website.
?The specific objective is development and implementation of common database and single access point to various types of digital content created by project partners related to the folk culture, such as images, videos or audioaccompanied by properly created metadata available to public and containing the tools for stakeholders from the domains of public administration, research, education, cultural heritage preservation, tourism and regional development.?
The project was started a year ago. The portal is set to launch in several languages in April 2014.
In addition to the Institute of Ethnology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IEHAS), it involves the Institute of Ethnology of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (IEASCR), AiP Beroun s.r.o., Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica (MBU), the Institute of Ethnology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (IESAS), and the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SRCSAS). 
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: