Hungary Cultural Guidebook Launched For Smartphones


Cultural GPS, which offers general information, details or even a scholarly summary about historical sites in Hungary, will eventually include 12 million entries at about 14,000 locations. The entries will include monuments, churches, museums, civic centres and other things of cultural importance. In addition to historical information, the entries can include images or videos.
At present the database includes about 500 locations, said MaNDA chief director Lajos Lovas.
Géza Szőcs, National Resources Ministry state secretary for culture, said the digital cultural atlas marked a turning point in both cultural history and education. He said it would serve as a model for the transfer of knowledge and unify ?historical? Hungary, even those places that today lie outside of the country?s political boundaries, he added.
About 1.8 million Hungarians use smartphones today, said project manager Andor Ujvárossi.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)