Hungary Culture Centre Organises Roma Events in Feb, March


A Hungarian Roma Festival was held in Rajasthan in Western India where the Romani people are believed to have come from. The festival involved film screenings in cooperation with the Jaipur Film Society and lectures on music in cooperation with the Academy of Performing Arts. M.M. Mathur talked about the folk music of Rajasthan and director of the Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre Delhi Imre Lázár held a multimedia presentation highlighting parallels between Roma folk music in Rajasthan and Hungary and the contribution by the Roma to Hungary's music culture. The Hungarian Museum of Philately staged a stamp exhibition presenting famous Indian personalities.

The Indian organisation of the European Union National Institutes of Culture (EUNIC) prepared a series of presentations in Delhi including a Roma event organised by the Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre. Media sociologist Veronika Munk's lecture entitled The Presentation of Roma in Hungary's Media attracted much interest at the India International Centre conference room.