Hungary's Eurovision Pick to Sing in English


Rúzsa will sing an adaptation of the song in English by Imre Mózsik.
Rúzsa was chosen from six contenders to represent Hungary at the Fonogram Awards Gala on February 24. She competed against Eszter Bartók, Angéla Póka, Magdi Rúzsa, Eszter Szabó, Wendigo and Wisdom.
The Fonogram Awards Gala is an annual event at which the Hungarian Association of Record Publishers (MAHASZ) recognises the best musicians in sixteen categories.
Rúzsa expressed her appreciation for the award, but added that she regretted she could not prepare a new recording of the song or film a video because of the tight deadline. She will perform the song at the Eurovision Song Contest finals in Helsinki on May 10, 2007.
The last artists to represent Hungary at the contest were the band NOX two years ago.