Hungary, Germany Partner Up For Preparations


Szili and Lammert agreed to offer each other assistance in preparing for the title, as well as keep each other informed on infrastructural developments. Additionally, they said they would back the creation of a European Culture Capitals Network, which would allow cities preparing to take the title to draw on the experience of past European Capitals of Culture.

Lammert stressed that the title European Capital of Culture was a privilege in the European Union, but not just for the winning city, rather for the region and the country too. For this reason, it is our task to make the results of the programme last beyond 2010; and this requires close cooperation, he said.

Both Pécs and Essen share industrial pasts, Lammert said. Now both cities wish to show Europe and the rest of the world a lesser known side. With combined promotions, Pécs and Essen will show that both cities are more beautiful and have more to offer than many thought before.

Lammert said he wished to intensify the tourism connections between the two cities and the two regions, urging more flights connecting German cities with Pécs?s Pogány Airport.

Szili said the two parliamentary heads also discussed questions related to the European Union, the presidency of which Germany will take over from January 1, 2007.