Hungary Highlighted at Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival


The Budapest Festival Orchestra

The Budapest Festival Orchestra, under the baton of Iván Fischer, played a programme which included some of Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsodies as well as Brahms' Hungarian Dances. The performance was rounded out by an outstanding Roma trio.

In remarks before the concert, Peter Harry Carstensen, the premier of Schleswig-Holstein, stressed Hungary's contribution to the reunification of Germany, and of Europe, with the act of allowing East German citizens free passage across its border in 1989.
The Hungarian guest of honour at the concert, Supreme Court Chief Justice Zoltán Lomnici, praised Hungary's contribution to music, citing the names of composers such as Franz Liszt, Béla Bartók, Zoltán Kodály, György Ligeti, György Kurtág and Péter Eötvös.
Hungarian music - from classical to klezmer - will be on the programme at 146 concerts during the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)