Hungary Hosts FECO Concerts


The Parafónia Orchestra

Each country's group of musicians will learn an agreed on piece of music, using their own methods, before their arrival in Hungary. In Hungary, they will rehearse together with the groups of musicians from other countries twice a day under the baton of their Lithuanian conductor.

The musicians will perform together twice during their stay in Hungary. They will also have the opportunity to perform individually. In addition to performing, members of the orchestra will also have the chance to see some of Hungary, making two excursions and going to two evening events during the period.
The aim of the event is to combat prejudice and show that these young people are valuable members of society.
FECO will perform in theatre of the Pest County Library in Szentendre at 16:00 on October 24 and at 19:30 on October 25.
The Hungarian participants in FECO belong to the Parafónia Orchestra. The orchestra, which plays mainly specially arranged classical music, has been recorded many times for radio and television broadcast. They have also performed at music academies, in churches and in cultural centres. The Parafónia Orchestra performed for the sixth time this year at the Valley of Arts, a summer cultural extravaganza in the Hungarian countryside, and they are receiving more and more invitations to perform abroad.
The Parafónia Orchestra invites anyone who wishes to support their cause to make a donation to the "A zene mindenkié" Association's bank account number 12001008-00229921-00100008.
Source: Fidelio