Hungary Joins 100 Thousand Poets for Change


The Hungarian poet Gábor Gyukics is organising the event with the help of the Műcsarnok?s Gabriella Nagy.
Altogether 135 poets will take the stage to recite poems that call for change, peace, environmental protection, tolerance and the fight against racism, Gyukics said. The event will start with a reading by Kossuth Prize winner Ferenc Juhász, followed by Zsófia Balla, Ferenc Buda, László Bertók, Sándor Csoóri, Zsuzsa Takács, Dénes Krusovszky, Endre Kukorelly, Mónika Mesterházi, Erzsébet Tóth, Miklós Veress, István Turczi, Tibor Zalán and István Kemény, among others, he added.
Also on the programme are concerts by the musicians János Vázsonyi, Péter Sziámi Müller and Eszter Takáts, and a performance of Indian dances by Dóra Meenakshi Bittner.
Gyukics will host the event together with Ágnes Deák Bárdos.
The event, which is free of charge, will start at 3pm and run until midnight.
Similar events are taking place at 650 venues in 95 countries around the world as part of 100 Thousand Poets for Change.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)