Hungary Launches Culture Programme in India


Hungarian Masala is part of the European Union's European Year of Intercultural Dialogue. It also falls on the 30th anniversary of the Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre Delhi.

The launch took place at the Sumukha Gallery, which is showing an exhibition of Hungarian art works from the city of Pécs called Masters and Young Talents. Another exhibition, called Hungary Without an Airline Ticket, will show at the Lalit Kala Akademi National Academy of Art in New Delhi from February 11 until 16.

New Delhi will also host a performance by the Szakcsi-Vukán Trio and the Dresch Quartet, two of Hungary's greatest jazz ensembles, on January 17. Indian Culture Minister Ambika Soni will be the guest of honour at the gala concert organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture. The musicians will then take the performance to Bangalore and Chenna.


Seven Hungarian films will be screened in several Indian cities between January 17 and 25.

The Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre Delhi will present an exhibition entitled The Thousand Faces of Shakti featuring photographs by Júlia Ekhart.
The publication of an anthology of Hungarian poetry, translated into Hindi by Girdhar Rathi, has also been timed to coincide with Hungarian Masala.
Photographs: Lajos Soós (MTI)